Powershell Modules


Powershell module for creating and extracting 7-Zip archives supporting Powershell's WriteProgress API.


Please note that this repository is not maintained anymore. I've created it a couple of years ago to fit my own needs (just compressing a single folder). I love that lots of other users find my package helpful.

I really appreciated if you report issues or suggest new feature. However, I don't use this package myself anymore, and I don't have the time to maintain it appropriately. So please don't expect me to fix any bugs. Any Pull Request is welcome though.


The syntax is simple as this:

    [-ArchiveFileName] <string>
    [-TargetPath] <string>
    [-Password <string>] | [-SecurePassword <securestring>]

    [-ArchiveFileName] <string>
    [-Path] <string>
    [[-Filter] <string>]
    [-OutputPath] <string>
    [-Format <OutputFormat> {Auto | SevenZip | Zip | GZip | BZip2 | Tar | XZ}]
    [-CompressionLevel <CompressionLevel> {None | Fast | Low | Normal | High | Ultra}]
    [-CompressionMethod <CompressionMethod> {Copy | Deflate | Deflate64 | BZip2 | Lzma | Lzma2 | Ppmd | Default}]
    [-Password <string>] | [-SecurePassword <securestring>]
    [-CustomInitialization <ScriptBlock>]
    [-VolumeSize <int>]

    [-ArchiveFileName] <string[]>
    [-Password <string>] | [-SecurePassword <securestring>]

    [-ArchiveFileName] <string[]>
    [-Password <string>] | [-SecurePassword <securestring>]


Compress-7Zip accepts a script block for customization. The script block gets passed the current SevenZipCompressor instance. E.g. you can set the multithread mode this way:

$initScript = {
    param ($compressor)
    $compressor.CustomParameters.Add("mt", "off")

Compress-7Zip -Path . -ArchiveFileName demo.7z -CustomInitialization $initScript

A list of all custom parameters can be found here.

Last updated