Arch Linux

adjusting screen brightness

brightness up

sudo brillo -A 10

brightness down

sudo brillo -U 10

check installed fonts



** update packages **

yay -Syyu

update single package

yay -S <package name>

## `pacman`

**install package**

pacman -S <package name>
**update single package**

pacman -S <package name>

***update all installed packages**

pacman -Syu
`*update all installed packages**

pacman -Syu

Clear pacman cache

sudo pacman -Scc

uninstall package

sudo pacman -Rs

remove unused packages

sudo pacman -Rns (pacman -Qqtd)

Using debtap to install a package

When there is no AUR package for something you are trying to install, you should try this method.

install debtap

yay -S debtap

update the repos

sudo debtap -u

convert the .deb file

sudo debtap filename.deb

install the converted .tar.zst file

sudo pacman -U filename.tar.zst

**clean the cache in ~/home directory

sudo du -sh ~/.cache/

sha for image above: abd33a8f83306b93bb69a767d0bf0ed4e2963843

Last updated

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